I wrote this in response to the #metoo movement. It's about speaking up, and power rolling through your body when you finally decide enough is enough.

“Ask me again to keep my mouth shut”
Ask me again to keep my mouth shut To wait my turn To walk away Hold me down one more time
And all of earth’s magic, my magic, will erupt
Like a gust of wind rushing to the sea
Taking with it anything foolish enough to be in the path
Rolling through the pines, across the rocks,
Taking with it cold, ancient moss
That once thought it was safe
It will break stones apart, crack tree stumps
Till their roots, exposed, lie naked on the hillside
Waking the dead And the lonely, It will churn in fury its way to the sea Becoming the hurricane Screaming toward the shore, Building, and building its might
While the foolish land dwellers Cling hopeless
To what will hold them up no longer