Trina's Song

This is a poem/song lyrics. It was inspired by the unsolved murder of a woman in my community, but also represents the lament of many victims of violence, who's blood, like Abel's, cries out from the ground for justice.
Don't leave your song behind
Don't say I love you too late
It is dark between the stars
And I am
Bleeding in the rain
Don't make a plan with a wolf
Don't let him lie in wait
It is dark between his eyes
And I am
Bleeding in the rain
Don't swim out too far in a lake
Don't let him love you too late
It is wide between the shores
And I am
Bleeding in the rain
Dreaming, dying just the same
The darkness lies in wait, nothing’s gonna change
Dying, dreaming, darkness, lying, hoping, in the rain
Leave, run far away
The darkness lies in wait, the darkness lies in wait
Leave, run far away, he’ll leave you bleeding in the rain
Leave, run far away
Dreaming, dying, just the same
VERSES 4 & 5
Don't stop what you want to say
Don't let the tears wash away
Time is long between our lives
And I am
Watching in the rain
Don't let my life be in vain
Find him and make him pay
It is dark among the stars
And I am
Watching in the rain